The ultimate goal of NLRMIs youth department is to have one common NLRMIs
unison youth of the entire ministry.
NLRMIs youth objectives:
Objective 1:
Youth ministry/department works to foster the tptal personal and spiritual of each
young person and their faith in christ.
Objective 2:
Conducting internal,Regional,National and International youth seminars and overnights.
NLRMIs youth program Goals:
1.Prividing oppotunities for relationships.
This is the key in terms of getting the youths to “buy-in” to what is going on-they
need to trust and respect but also enjoy the adults and their message.
The need to feel comfortable approaching the adults and therefore will be comfortable
approaching the Gospel.
2.Build an awareness of God’s Active presence.
This is many times what teens and touths struggling with-and comes from the relationship
The goal is for touth to see Godly relationships taking place in the youth group/department
and extending that to a relationship with christ realize he is always there for them,and
therefore they will want a relationship with christ/want to deepen that relationship.
3.Increase congregation’s Appreciation of youths
It is the key for the youth to feel recognized and loved in the church-they are the future.
Find ways to expand this relationship and apreciation
Many times youths feels underappreciated and constantly ridiculed-this can’t haenin a church environment.
4. create rogrammes and events that have value and purpose.
set up events that relate back to the lessons that are
taking placebut also include events that build the relationship among kids, youth and adultsone night keshas
5. Encourage personal and spiritual growth.
Create an atmosphere that encourages and allows for youths to grw spiritually by
beginning with growing deeper biblical understanding of ramifiction of the
We strive to have a ministry/department that is first chriscentered and second
youth centered.
We aim at fostering internal, and international relashionships of youths to mentoring
adults, youth to one onother and ultimately youths to the person of jesus christ
Develop useful and helpful youth in the society and community.
Through love and respect with gidance and support focussing on relationships we
conduct our youth rogrammes as per follows:
one night (keshas) per every month
sunday’s youth services program alternatively
Bible trivia
Preaching and worshipping services.
Praise and worshipping services.
Crusades s(open airs, revivals etc.) internally, regional, National & international)
complied by:
Sammy Donald-Youth Chairman
strive to create a christ centered climate of internal and international discipleship
in which youths work to have self-actualization, self-evolution, self-exploration
and inquiry, using scripture as our foundation within a community of other youths
pursuing the same s
Our purpose as youh ladrs working ih NLRMs is:
To serve the youths, within the guidance of biblical boundaries.
To provide opportunities for relationships, building awarness apreciation of
youths, to create programs and events that have value and purpose, and purpose, and to
encourage personal and spiritual growth in Christ.
Foundation on which the youth program at NLRMs is build:
1. Through prayer; the providence of God and presentation of he plan of
salvation in the bible, young men and women can accept be baptized
and live for God in entire life.
2.The appropriate interaction of a christian adults can change the life of a
3.Teens/Youth should be treated with respect with respect and courtesy.
In Youth Department we conduct various activities such as;
Retreat: where we engage in one on interaction to have discussions in
real talks.[pertaining particular topics]
play football etc.
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